Classification: N/A (Co-curricular)                                                                                                Location: Athletics

Reports to: Athletic Director                                                                                                           FLSA Status: N/A

Bargaining Unit: N/A (Days per the NMAA first practice start date through end of season)

Position Summary:

The head coach is responsible for the overall development of athletes and assistant coaches in their sport or activity. This individual is often in charge of teaching athletes and coaches’ proper technique, organizing and conducting practice sessions and providing feedback to the athletes, Additionally, the head coach is responsible for maintaining disciplinary records, monitoring grades for eligibility and overseeing team moral.



The head coach works with a high level of independence and professional discretion under the general supervision of the Athletic Director. The head coach directly supervises student athletes and the assistant coaches of their program. The head coaches work is governed by, controlled, and evaluated by acceptable professional practices, school and district policies and regulations, provisions of Taos Municipal Schools district policies and procedures, direction of the supervisor, and the New Mexico Athletic Association.


Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Organization and Communication
    1. Communicate information regarding expectations, practices, competitions and other events with parents, players, and administration in a timely manner.
    2. Conduct orientation programs for parents, athletes, and assistant coaches.
    3. Work with the Athletic Director to develop non-league schedule and confirm league schedule.
    4. Develop Procedures and establish open communication with parents and athletes to address any issues or concerns related to the team.


  1. Administrative
    1. Work in conjunction with Athletic Director in preparation for budget for the sport being coached.
    2. Manage the ordering, inventory, repairing, and cleaning of all sport specific equipment.
    3. Work with Athletic Director in planning for transportation to away games.
    4. Implement and follow all NMAA, district, state, and school athletic codes, rules, and philosophies.
    5. Ensure the completion of yearly physical exam and all required courses for each athlete.
    6. Work with Athletic Director, School Counselor, and School Office to confirm both the residential and academic eligibility of each athlete.
    7. Distribute team rosters, contest schedules and contest locations to all players, school staff and parents/guardians.
    8. Monitor athlete class attendance, behavior, and academic progress.
    9. Work with Athletic Director to establish practice times and location.
    10. Supervise and direct activities of assistant coaches.
    11. Ensure quality, effectiveness, and validity of any oral or written correspondence with the media.
    12. Work with Athletic Director to determine and procure any team awards.


  1. Training and Preparation of Athletes
    1. Hold fair and equitable tryouts.
    2. Teach sports techniques, playing rules, strategies and playing tactics.
    3. Practice with clear objectives and goals.
    4. Condition athletes appropriately for activities requiring endurance, strength, and agility.
    5. Supervise and conduct practices and contests safely; supervise locker rooms and vehicles.
    6. Teach sportsmanship, cooperation, work ethic and responsibility to one’s team.
    7. Respond to player injuries with approved first aid techniques.
    8. Model appropriate behavior and sportsmanship in and out of athletic arena.
    9. Discipline players as necessary in accordance with the team, school, district, league, section and Taos Municipal Schools protocols.
    10. Provide positive motivation.
    11. Select, direct, and monitor activities of any team managers.
    12. Confer with Athletic Trainer and/or medical professionals for proper approval prior to allowing any injured player to return to athletic activity.


  1. All Taos Municipal Schools Head and Assistant Coaches are expected to abide by the Coaches’ Code of Conduct outlines in the NMAA and Taos Municipal Schools policy. As a professional educator and leader, the high school head coach or assistant coach must:
    1. Exemplify the highest moral character as role model for young people.
    2. Recognize the individual worth and reinforce the self-image of each team member.
    3. Encourage and assist team members to set personal goals to achieve their highest academic potential.
    4. Create a set of training rules for athletes which reflects the positive values of abstaining from the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
    5. Strive to develop the qualities of leadership, initiative, and good judgment in each team member.
    6. Communicate and interpret program goals and objectives to parents and community.
    7. Provide a safe environment for practice and competition.
    8. Respect the integrity and judgment of the game officials.
    9. Me modest in victory and gracious in defeat.


Minimum Qualifications:








The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) and is not an exhaustive list of the duties performed for this position. Additional duties are performed by the individuals currently holding this position and additional duties may be assigned.